Company Overview

Founded May,27th,1922
Registered December,16th,1931
Amount of Capital 220 million yen

Chairman  Takayuki  Tanaka
Chairman  Junko  Tanaka
President   Hiroshi  Arai

Head Office Tokyo Head Office  Yusen Bldg,Marunouchi 2-3-2, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
Hiroshima Head Office  Funairi-kawaguchicho1-7,Naka-ku,Hiroshima-shi,Hiroshima
Branch Office 「Sales and Marketing Division」Tokyo(Kanda) 「Manufacturing and Operation Division」Gunma
「Sales Office」Tokyo,Hokkaido,Miyagi,Gunma,Osaka,Hiroshima,Kumamoto
Business Manufacture and sale of antisepticised and termite-proof wood and ordinary wood. Manufacture and sale of housing materials and industrial use materials. Manufacture and sale of rot prevention, insect repellent, termite protection, and antifungal agents and execution of termite extermination. Design, manufacture, sale, and construction of park facilities. Design, construction, and subcontracting of building construction and civil engineering works.